Mariana Du Brul


Administrative Manager 802-482-4940


Mariana is the Administrative Manager at Energy Futures Group in Hinesburg, Vermont. At EFG, she makes use of her interdisciplinary professional experiences to keep the company’s finances on track and the office running smoothly. Prior to joining EFG, Mariana completed an Accounting degree, took time out from professional activities to be with her children, and worked in energy efficiency and biodiversity conservation planning. When not at work, Mariana can usually be found driving her kids hither and yon or playing with her Morgan horse.


  • A.S., Accounting, Community College of Vermont, 2019
  • M.E.M., Ecosystem Science and Management, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, 2001
  • B.A., Biology, Colby College, 1998



Administrative Manager, Energy Futures Group, Hinesburg, VT


Bookkeeper/Office Manager, Energy Futures Group, Hinesburg, VT


Accounts Payable Clerk, Vermont Legal Aid, Burlington, VT


Efficient Products Retail Market Coordinator, Vermont Energy Investment Corporation, Burlington, VT


Development Assistant, Pinelands Preservation Alliance, Southampton, NJ


Research Scientist, The New Jersey Pinelands Commission, New Lisbon, NJ


Conservation Planning Associate, The Nature Conservancy, Browns Mills, NJ

Selected Projects

    • Efficiency Vermont. Coordinated program to supply the Vermont Foodbank with CFLs for distribution at food shelves across Vermont. (2009)


    • The New Jersey Pinelands Commission. Researched and developed an Ecological Integrity Assessment for landscape, wetland, and aquatic systems in the Pinelands of south Jersey. (2008)


    • The Nature Conservancy of New Jersey. Lead planning teams for the North Atlantic and Lower New England Ecoregional Plans. (2005)


    • Forest Ecology and Management. Researched and co-authored published paper on the North American maple products industry: Whitney, G. G. and M. M. Upmeyer. 2004. Sweet trees, sour circumstances: the long search for sustainability in the North American maple products industry. For Ecol and Mgmt. 200(1-3):313-333.

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